Therapy Groups
The ideal group member has some therapy experience, an interest in being part of a community process and is open to exploring whatever comes up
How does group psychotherapy differ from individual work?
There are other people in the room.
Your story is no longer alone.
There are many stories in the room.
There are multiple perspectives to be explored.
Through sharing your story and listening to the stories of others feelings get stirred up, similarities and differences come out and overtime a group culture evolves through exploring whatever comes up together.
Participating in group therapy cultivates intimate relationships inside and outside of the group.
How does group therapy work?
The basic idea is to experiment with communicating with others, reflect on how you impact others, observe how they affect you and share what you want.
I offer over 30 years of experience in groups dynamics
All groups below meet weekly, are ongoing, and currently online
Women's Therapy Group - Mondays 4-5:30pm
This is a group for women who have had previous therapy experiences. In this group members explore whatever comes up, within their own minds and bodies, between group members and how the world outside the group influences who they are and what they experience. Through showing up, sharing, supporting and sifting through whatever comes up, individual situations expand and become part of a community dynamic.
Anyone identifying as female and/or as a woman is welcome to join.
Process Group for people with Adverse Childhood Experiences
Mondays 6-7:30pm
In this group members explore how the past has influenced the present. While DBT skills, mindfulness techniques and other psycho-educational perspectives are included as needed, the sharing of emotional experiences is at the center of the group. Together we have cultivated a community by sharing with and supporting one another while moving forward thru whatever life stirs up.
Young Adult Psycho-Educational Process Group - Mondays 11am-12pm
The goal of this group is to support young adults transitioning into adulthood. We use psycho-educational tools from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and mindfulness approaches to help group members navigate emotional experiences and relationships. The current culture of this group is working with identity, social anxiety, relationship issues, family, emotional regulation, substance abuse… whatever might come up in the group , members’ lives and the culture at large.